The Original American Wine Institute

native cold-hardy MuscadineOAWI LOGO



Our ancestors over 400 years ago were making wine out of our native grapes including Muscadines, Nortons, Concord, Catawba, and Niagara, as well as many different fruits, berries, honey, flowers and vegetables long before a formal vinifera wine organization existed. Unfortunately, no one took the time to capture the ancient recipes and form a special group of experts to certifiy judges for our original American wines. This organization is such an attempt. Please help us by becoming a Founding Member of The Original American Wine Institute to provide those missing specialists.


To form an Advisory Board for an organization of Muscadine Winemakers and industry specialists in order to (a) provide improved winemaking quality through objective wine evaluations for non-vinifera wines; (b) to provide an educational/training process by which American Grape wine judges can be certified; (c) provide a special wine competition for Amerian Grape Wines where certified judges can sharpen their skills.

Any growers of, or winemakers using, Muscadine/Scupernong, Norton, Concord, Catawba, and/or Niagara grapes.

To establish a series of classes to educate Certified Judges for Muscadine /Native North American grape wines. Founding Members must be owner/winemakers of Muscadine/Native grapes or industry influencers.

Training Materials currently being developed:
Suggested book reading list
Special wine judging chart for muscadines with list of Flaws & Faults
List/sources of appropriate wines for tasting/evaluating
Final Exam questions, wines for evaluation, written essay on a related topic

Certified Muscadine Wine Judge (CMJ) for Muscadine, Norton, Concord, Catawba, Niagara & Fox grapes)
